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Cropping Images

updated by rck, 2005-06-28
Cropping Images

One reason, why Typo3 is as successful: It is integrated. It has a workflow, you don't have to leave your web browser while creating your content.

Most CMSes have some sort of image upload capability. But, well, that's about it. You can't just take the picture of your digi cam, which might be more than thousand pixels wide and tall and put it up your web site. No, you need to resize it first. And crop it.

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Performance problems with php 4.3.10

updated by rck, 2005-01-21
Performance problems with php 4.3.10

php 4.3.10 is right now the recommended php version for running phpWebSite. But: There seem to be performance issues with it! I've read a short note in the Informatik Forum about it that lead to an article on the heise homepage.

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Keine neuen Cliés mehr

updated by rck, 2006-03-26
Keine neuen Cliés mehr ...zumindest außerhalb Japans nicht mehr. Somit wurde der Handheldmarkt von 3 auf 2 Anbieter reduziert.

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